
LAMBERT - PALOMINO 2LP - Vinyl Record LP.. - e8200e 海外 即決

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新品 12,606円 (税込)


管理番号 新品 :04377914 発売日 2024/07/25 定価 12,606円 型番 04377914

LAMBERT - PALOMINO 2LP - Vinyl Record LP.. - e8200e 海外 即決

カテゴリその他スキル、知識代行海外商品購入代行状態未使用(詳細)商品名LAMBERT - PALOMINO 2LP - Vinyl Record LP.. - e8200e
(LAMBERT - PALOMINO 2LP - Vinyl Record lp.. - e8200e)


商品説明※アメリカの現地出品者により作成されたため、英語のまま掲載いたしております。About this Item The item format is a vinyl lp The Artist Name is LAMBERT,MIRANDA The Title is PALOMINO 2LP Condition New Other Comments New Store Stock The Media Condition is New This is new and unplayed The Sleeve Condition is New New unplayed We Use Stock Images Because we have over 2 million items for sale we have to use stock images, this listing does not include the actual image of the item for sale. The purchase of this specific item is made with the understanding that the image shown in this listing is a stock image and not the actual item for sale. For example: some of our stock images include stickers, labels, price tags, hyper stickers, obi's, promotional messages, signatures and or writing which may not be available in the actual item. Vinyl Record disc&nbsp colourStock images can show a black, coloured, or picture disc. Unless a colour or picture&nbsp is explicitly described in this listing, this purchase is made with the understanding that it could be black or any colour, and or could be a picture disc.&nbsp Disc&nbsp VersionVinyl discs&nbsp are released in many editions and variations, such as standard edition, re-issue, demonstration demo, not for sale, promotional promo, special edition, limited edition, and many other editions and versions.&nbsp The disc&nbsp you receive could be any of these editions or variations. If you are looking for a specific version or edition please contact us to verify what we are selling before you buy it.&nbsp The Outer SleeveWhen we describe the sleeve condition in this listing, we are describing the outer sleeve only, specifically, it does not describe the inner sleeve unless explicitly&nbsp referenced.&nbsp The Inner SleeveAlmost all of our vinyl discs will include either an original inner sleeve, or a plain inner sleeve, or a printed inner sleeve, which we provide with the sole purpose of protecting the record. However, inner sleeves are notorious for being replaced or damaged, such as edge splits. Unless explicitly mentioned in this listing the inner sleeve is not considered as part of this purchase. If you purchase this Vinyl record it is with the clear understanding the inner sleeve is not included as part of this sale, and if a sleeve is included it is provided on an as/is condition solely as packaging, as a protector for the record, which may have creases, wear or edge splits.&nbsp HairlinesIf we reference a hairlines, it means it is a light line on the disc&nbsp that looks like a hair. Hairlines are&nbsp different to&nbsp scratches or wear. A&nbsp hairline is lighter and has limited and less impact on the playing quality, whereas wear or a scratch can&nbsp cause some level of clicks, pops or interference when&nbsp playing.&nbsp &nbsp Record GradingOur Records are graded by the worldwide record industry standard&nbsp called the 'Record Grading 101: Understanding The Goldmine Grading Guide'. Search this term on Google if you have any queries about how sellers and collectors grade vinyl records.&nbsp Delivery Carrier and Courier TrackingWe use internal tracking codes when shipping goods.&nbsp If your item is not delivered within five days of dispatch you are welcome to contact us to track and resolve any delivery issues.&nbsp Gift IdeasThis is a&nbsp great Christmas gift idea.&nbsp Contact UsPlease contact us to check and verify the details of the item before purchasing if there is a specific image, edition, or variation you are looking for. If we have resources available we will share images. Location ID 8200z iHaveit SKU ID 111745696 Unique Reference Number 1092089634





